Extension Given for Entities with Missed Deadlines under the Surface Transportation Act of 2015
Again the IRS has granted an extension relief for partnerships and certain other entities that missed new deadlines under the Surface...

Primary Tax Benefits with Donor Advised Funds
Recapping on what the donor advised fund or DAF is, the IRS website states that, a donor advised fund is a separately identified fund or...

Primary Tax Benefits with Donor Advised Funds
Primary Tax Benefits with Donor Advised Funds Recapping on what the donor advised fund or DAF is, the IRS website states that, a donor...

UPDATE: The GOP Tax Reform Bill on Two Different Paths
As predicted the House and Senate versions of the Tax Reform Legislation are drifting apart in similarity. What happens when these...

It's About to Hit the Fan
Last week I reported on a late night meeting in the Senate that supposedly breathed life into the Health Care Replacement Bill known as...
Don’t Blame Russia!
In a recent tax case, a tax judge and court said that you can’t blame the Russians for this. In the facts a wealthy decedent died leaving...
Corporate Tax Rates Worldwide
The best way to attract business in your state is to have low tax rates and little regulation. Illinois proved the opposite of this...

Business Taxes with Roman Basi, CPA and Attorney at Law
Tomorrow, Wednesday at 11am CST, Roman Basi will host a Center Webinar on the subject of business taxes. Does any of the following...

The IRS Protecting Your Identity and Tax Refund
In an announcement, the IRS laid out new procedures in order to protect your identity and your refund. Those requesting the Earned Income...

Tax Season
Tax Season is almost here. It begins Monday the 23rd of January for this year. This season will definitely set records in terms of...