Go On! Throw an Office Party this Year!
It’s office party season and according to all metrics, we’re all boozing it up in 2016. According to a recent article in Forbes, 80% of...

Get Ready for (tax) Change
President Elect Donald Trump shocked the world overnight by winning the United States Electoral Vote having at least 276, while Secretary...
The Business Succession Crisis
According to the New York Post, only 30% of businesses are successfully passed from the first generation to the second. Only 9% make it...
Pocket Some Tax-Free Cash with Airbnb!
Generally speaking, every dollar you ever earn will be subject to taxes. You get taxed on your wages, any interest you earn, any earnings...
Protect Your Data!
Last week, the IRS warned tax professionals that new attacks are allowing identity thieves to file fraudulent returns by taking over a...
Louisiana Flood Victims Receiving a Break from the IRS
As everyone knows Louisiana has been hit with major flooding over the past 2 weeks. The numbers on this are amazing; nearly 7 thousand...